Waxahachie, TX March 22 - March 24, 2025
Carbine 1 Course Description
Carbine 1 is designed to give the beginner, intermediate, or advanced shooter the proper carbine fundamentals. Starting with mindset, the class focuses on the core foundation of accuracy, acceptable accuracy under dynamic stress, and how to effectively balance speed and accuracy with proper weapon manipulation.
Cost: Price will be shown in cart. $710-$835 depending on location and range fees.
**LEO Carbine 1 Course: Tuscaloosa, AL, March 10-12, 2025. Credentials Required.
Contact us to host a private class.
Subjects Covered
- Life Safety Brief
- Proper gear selection and placement
- Establishing a proper zero
- 7 fundamentals (Accuracy Drills, Axis and Mechanics of Recoil)
- 3 Core Fundamentals
- Acceptable Accuracy Drills
- Balance of Speed and Accuracy
- Speed reloads / Tactical reloads
- Malfunctions
- Movement Drills
- Improvised shooting positions
Equipment List
Students provide their own ammo: 1600 rounds minimum. 1400rds of carbine and 200 rounds of Handgun ammo minimum. Multiple calibers may be used throughout this course. Drills can be modified to accommodate a lower round count.
Hardware – A functional and practical carbine or battle rifle chambered in 5.56×45, 5.45×39, 300 Blackout, 7.62×39, 7.62×51. A secondary weapon (handgun) of choice. If available, a spare weapon system is also an excellent idea. A cleaning kit and tools that are compatible with the weapon system(s) in question is also a must. Each student should have a minimum of 5 working magazines.
- Note pad, and pen/pencil
- Clothing suited to strenuous activity as well as being seasonally appropriate
- Rain gear / cold weather gear (seasonal)
- Ear pro (electronic preferred) / Eye pro
- Baseball style hat recommended
- Proper belt to support equipment
- Carbine magazine pouches, Battle belt, or Chest rig
- Handgun (secondary weapon), magazines
- Tools that work on your weapon
- A holster and magazine pouch that will retain equipment when moving
- Weapons lube
- Water hydrating device
- Knee and elbow pads (optional)
- Gloves (optional)
- An open mind
Contact us to host a private class.
Dates & Locations
Bedford, IN September 10 - September 12, 2025
Newfoundland, PA October 3 - October 5, 2025
Important Range Host Info
Course will be held at ETTS Gun Range 620 Greathouse Road Waxahachie, TX
Contact: Email: extremetactics2013@gmail.com
Range fee: $135/ 3-day class to be paid direct to the host the first day of class.
Range waiver required to be completed online: www.smartwaiver.com/v/ettsgunrange
Meals: On site meals are available. Sonic Drive-in approx. 8 miles from range; Waxahachie options are approximately 15 miles from the range. Please contact the host for more details.
Recommended Lodging:
Fairfield Inn & Suites 2020 Civic Center Ln. Waxahachie, TX 75165 (972)937-8886. (Approximately 15 miles from the range.)
Recommended Airport:
Dallas/Fort Worth International (Approximately 56 miles from range.)
Dallas Love Field (Approximately 38 miles from the range.)
Important Range Host Info
Blake Wade- Course will be held at Range 88, 8811 Tunnelton Road Bedford, IN 47421
Contact: Blake Wade at 812.278.0828 Email: blakewadempd@gmail.com
Range Fee: $50/3-day class (to be paid directly to host on first day of class)
Recommended Airport: Indianapolis International Airport (1.5 hours from range)
Recommended Lodging (approximately 30minutes from the range):
Hampton Inn
Holiday Inn – Government rate available for approved individuals.
Please contact the host directly for any additional questions about lodging, food, or any other details about the area.
Directions from lodging to range (distance, time) 30 minutes. Directions from town: take 16th Street East, Turn right onto Tunnelton Road, continue for approximately 9.5 miles, turn right into range drive. If you see large metal grain bins on the left you have gone too far.
Ammo Limitations- None. Students may pick up brass.
$835. Includes Range Fee.
Important Range Host Info
Hosted by Costa Ludus. Contact customerservice@costaludus.com with any course questions.
Course will be held at Double Eagle 332 RT447 Newfoundland, PA 18445
Times: 7:30AM-4PM. Arrive at house ready to start at 7:30AM first day.
Range fee included in course registration, ($710 training fee + $125 range fee).
Lodging: Please contact the host to reserve lodging at the Lodge on the range property. https://doubleeagleoutdoors.org/. (updated 4/24/23)
Lodging Contact For Questions: main@doubleeaglepocono.com
Recommended Airports:
Wilkes-Barre and Allentown Regional Airport
Philadelphia International Airport (Approximately 2 hours from the range.)
Meals: Contact the Chef (below) for more information and pricing.
Chef Info: Chef Kris Stover
PayPal – Kstoverc280@yahoo.com
Email for questions – Chefstove@yahoo.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/StovetopTastings